Our office employs many types of new technology. These technologies benefit the patient by offering improved diagnosis and care.
High-Resolution Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)
Why Cone Beam Computed Tomography:
Cone Beam technology provides a 3D view of the patients mouth and jaw. A traditional x-ray is only two-dimensional. With Cone Beam systems the doctor is able to get a full 360 degree view of the tooth and all surrounding areas. This new technology provides many wonderful benefits that were unavailable only a few years ago.
CBCT scans provides images results in high-resolution for improved diagnosis and treatment planning.
Small Field:
A localized small field CBCT limits radiation while allowing focused three-dimensional assessment of odontogenic and non-odontogenic lesions, canal morphology, and anatomy prior to treatment.
Digital X-rays
Digital x-ray’s reduce the amount of radiation needed as compared to film x-rays while providing superior diagnostic capability. Digital x-rays are instant, there is not need to develop the film as the images display directly on the computer screen. It’s also a very green technology. There is no longer a need for film, developer and other waste. It’s better for you and it’s better for the environment!

Dental Surgical Microscopes
Using the best possible microscopes means that the doctor is able to get a detailed look at the work they are doing. This allows them to work with great precision as they provide your treatment. The Endodontist is able to more accurately diagnose and treat the patient using a dental surgical microscope.
High Magnification:
Endodontic microscopes magnify small objects within the treatment area by powers of approximately 5, 8, 12 and 16x.
High Illumination:
Focused fiberoptic light sources allows current microscopes to deliver approximately 15,000 candles of light to the operating field.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
Using Electronic Medial Records our practice is able to quickly and accurately access patient information in order to provide the utmost in patient care. This helps to ensure patient confidentiality as well as reduce the need for paper. By incorporating digital x-ray technology the amount of radiation is also reduced as is the need for film and processing chemicals. Digital x-rays save time and increase patient care, while decreasing radiation levels as compared to film.
Secure Digital Format:
Using a digital format allows for quick access to your information when needed for insurance records or per your request yet provides a secure filing system.
Our advanced system reduces the use of paper, while our digital x-rays eliminate the use of processing chemicals.